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  • Writer's pictureStefano Calvetti

The Networking Effect on Leadership: Leveraging Networks for Success

"No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main." - John Donne.

Social interactions are at the core of human evolution. We have created communities for protection, collaboration, production, etc.

It’s not just the community but also the quantity and quality of the connections we establish in our lives that make the difference. A proven strong link exists between the quality and quantity of our social relationships and our overall well-being.

In 2015, Holt-Lunstad, Smith, and Layton analyzed data from 148 studies involving over 300,000 participants. The research found that strong social connections are associated with a 50% reduction in the risk of premature death. This highlights the significant impact of social relationships on physical health and longevity.

Another study in 2005 by Cacioppo et al. discovered that social isolation activates brain regions associated with negative emotions and pain processing, while social connection activates reward centers in the brain.

An illustration of Maslow's hierarchy of needs pyramid in the center with colorful levels, encircled by figures representing networks. Lines and bridges connect the pyramid's levels to the people, depicting networking fulfilling various human needs. The background suggests a vibrant, harmonious society.  #MaslowsHierarchy #CommunitySupport #SocialNetworks #Psychology #HumanNeeds #SocietalHarmony
Networks contribute to every level of Maslow's pyramid of needs

Networking through the lens of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs

Let's analyze the role of the community from the perspective of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. We see that networks are an essential element at each level:

  1. Physiological Needs (Base of the pyramid): Solidarity networks are the perfect example of fulfilling basic needs like food and shelter; think about disaster relief activities or food banks and shelters for people experiencing homelessness.

  2. Safety and Security Needs (Second level): Strong social connections can offer emotional support and a sense of belonging, which can buffer individuals from feelings of isolation and vulnerability. Military alliances like NATO are probably the best examples of the function of networks at the second level.

  3. Love and Belonging Needs (Third level): Through our networks, we build friendships, romantic relationships, and a sense of community, all of which are essential for emotional well-being and a sense of belonging.

  4. Esteem Needs (Fourth level): Positive interactions and support within our networks catalyze individuals’ confidence gain, helping them to develop their skills and feel valued, contributing to their self-esteem.

  5. Self-Actualization Needs (Top of the pyramid): At this level, networks provide opportunities for personal and professional growth, inspiration, and avenues to pursue one's passions and interests. This is the layer for networks of peers, for example.

Networks and leadership

Networking is intricately tied to thJohn e essence of leadership— the ability to inspire and mobilize towards shared objectives. Its impact is far-reaching, molding leaders in subtle and significant ways and enhancing their abilities to navigate the complexities of the modern world. Let’s explore some of the areas where a leader can highly benefit from networks.

A diverse group of professional individuals standing closely together, smiling confidently at the camera. The team is composed of a range of ages and ethnicities, dressed in a mix of business formal and smart casual attire, signifying collaborative and inclusive networks. They are positioned in a well-lit, neutral-colored space that suggests a modern office setting. This image symbolizes the power of networks and communities in the professional world, highlighting unity and shared purpose.  #Teamwork #Diversity #Inclusion #ProfessionalCommunity #Networking #Collaboration #BusinessCulture #Leadership #Empowerment
United in diversity

Diversity and innovation

Networking grants leaders access to a kaleidoscope of perspectives, enriching decision-making through diverse ideas, viewpoints, and experiences. This diversity is the bedrock of innovation, a theme explored in Steven Johnson's "Where Good Ideas Come From," which emphasizes the networked nature of creativity and the importance of open environments for sharing and developing ideas. Johnson argues that innovation thrives in spaces where ideas can mingle, collide, and recombine, forming an 'idea ecosystem.' This concept underscores the critical role of networking in leadership, as it enables leaders to tap into a vast pool of knowledge and insight inaccessible in isolation.


Effective networking hones a leader's communication skills, which are essential for articulating visions and engaging stakeholders. It's worth noting that active listening forms the cornerstone of effective communication, enabling a leader to understand the perspectives and needs of their interlocutors truly. This deep understanding allows for tailoring messages that resonate, ensuring that visions and ideas are heard and felt. Such engagement is critical for rallying teams, persuading stakeholders, and fostering an environment where every voice is valued.


Leaders forge a reputation of trust and credibility by engaging authentically within their networks. Trust speeds up transactions, deepens relationships, and increases a person's sphere of influence. That’s why leaders who cultivate trust are more likely to attract talent, resources, and opportunities. Trust is built on consistency, integrity, and genuine interaction, forming the bedrock upon which successful collaborations and ventures are built.


The magic of networking lies in its ability to foster synergy, bringing together diverse skills and resources to achieve shared visions and propel projects and initiatives to new heights, producing results far exceeding what individuals could achieve alone. Leaders adept at networking know how to create collaboration platforms that leverage each participant's unique strengths and contributions.


A true leader looks beyond the immediacy of current objectives to the broader horizon of future success. Networking is pivotal in this forward-looking perspective, offering ways to identify and nurture emerging talent. Mentoring the next generation is how accomplished leaders ensure the continuity of vision, culture, and innovation within their organizations, family, and more.

Building networks

The call to action is clear: actively build and nurture your networks. Participate in community events, join relevant online groups, seek mentorship opportunities, and engage authentically with others.

If you are an introvert, like me, there are some tools you can use. The book that really helped me is “How to Be a Power Connector: the 5 + 50 + 100 Rule for Turning Your Business Network into Profits” by Judy Robinett. It is a practical guide on how to build an effective network.

The number that Robinett suggests could be more random. Robin Dunbar, anthropologist at Oxford University, understood that 150 is actually the maximum number of close connections we can maintain. He says, “It’s the number of people you would not feel embarrassed about joining uninvited for a drink if you happened to bump into them in a bar.”

Leadership, in its most valid form, is an act of co-creation, where visions are collectively nurtured, challenges are shared among allies, and success is the achievement of the community. Networks provide the fertile ground for this collaborative endeavor.

It is clear that the leaders who will thrive are those who invest in networks with a spirit of generosity, curiosity, authenticity, and openness. They recognize that the power of leadership is not in the accumulation of followers but in the cultivation of fellow leaders, champions, and change-makers. They understand their legacy will be defined by how much they lift others on their journey.

An accurate measure of our leadership will be the strength of the networks we build and the depth of the impact we achieve through them.

The good news

Master Your Sea is collaborating with Svetlana Dimovski, a friend and a coach, to build a network of leaders called REDWOODS CLUB.

The Redwoods Club logo: a white R and C on a green bacground
Join us - transform your leadership

The Redwoods are the perfect representation of what we want to achieve. These majestic trees, towering in their grandeur, demonstrate the unparalleled strength of connectivity, where each tree thrives not in isolation but through a deeply intertwined root system.

We want to establish a community of interconnected and supportive leaders where the tremendous regenerative power of human networks is the main focus.

That's why we want to challenge the norm and shift the paradigm of impact and wellness. We want to incorporate well-being as an essential element of good leadership.

Our goal is to bring leaders together to catalyze the shift.

Interested in joining the movement? Follow us on LinkedIn and stay tuned.

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